Thursday, September 6, 2012

Low Roar - Help Me

Favorite lyrics: Bones made of glass, I'm starving for someone to feel my blood, my skin.

This entire song is like an echo; the vocals barely pause, long notes running into each other like a string instrument that effectively leaves traces of itself behind. It has the cathartic sadness of bands like The Antlers, with a song that destroys you but leaves you comforted in some kind of numb way. Musically, there's a definite tide to Help Me, with slow strums pulling into the crescendo of overlapping voices before edging out into wariness. The percussion is what makes this embedded song the 'special version' and it adds an element that takes it from sad to soulful, though the acoustic version has just as much impact. Both versions have this eroded intensity, with a sleepy, hollowed melody that's impossible not to sink into.

Glitter Pox rating: 85% contagious

Hope you catch it,
The Glitter Pox

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