Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yellow Ostrich - Whale

Favorite lyrics: Whale, swim with me whale / We will go far into the sea / You will take me onto your back / Never look back, never look back

The tribal-sounding drumming that starts off 'Whale' sets up one of the best simple intros these ears have heard, with the tambourine adding a kind of flippant jerkiness - the warmest cold shoulder music can give. The beginning is medium-paced, followed by a slowdown and then a crescendo of instrument-panic, leading into soft vocal  "oh's" like the beginning - a loop that makes you want to listen to the song over again in a neverending string of play buttons and skewed whale noises. It's differently organized than most songs, the contrast and the seemingly chaotic order making it an anarchic anthem in that it doesn't follow any kind of music law; the lyrics/singing and the melody isn't something you would think to pair together, if you had heard them separately - unless, of course, you were Yellow Ostrich - but the way it fits together is pretty magnificent. These guys think outside of musical standards and it creates something really different and entirely enticing.

Glitter Pox rating: 95% contagious

Hope you catch it,
The Glitter Pox

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