Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eagle Winged Palace - Timber

Favorite lyrics (by ear, so hopefully these are correctly heard): yes your magic show mesmerizes me

The aggressive musical start to this song fades into an almost Aztec sound, an exotic mix of style whose culture you want to fall into. The vocals begin in an edgy undertone, followed by a kind of medieval female backup that goose-pimples your arms. And the lead singer has a modern Tom Waits vibe, so the choir it's paired with is a sound you normally wouldn't hear; it gives it a spacey, art festival feel. Like something you'd hear while walking through a bazaar, running your hands over woven carpets dyed in ink pots. It has this weird blend of cultural sound that is completely appealing, a combination of different sounds and genres. It seems like Eagle Winged Palace is a group filled with people who each have their own individual music style, and the blend of it all works really well.

Glitter Pox rating: 61% contagious

Hope you catch it,
The Glitter Pox

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