Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Evaline - Hours


Fav lyrics: its all in the lies
you used to fall asleep
its all in the way ya tear your hair out

We saw Evaline when they opened for Neon Trees, and we were hooked to the energy they had onstage. We bought their EPs after the show and played them for months. They have a UK punk vibe, mixed with a kind of indie rock, and a way of adding an inspiriting flare to all their music. The vocalist, Richard Perry, uses his bold voice to match lyrics to melody, and when met with the ease of the guitar and fast paced drumming from the band, create a heart pumping, fist pounding jolt of authenticity. They work really well together, and it shows. Definitely a band to keep your eye on.

Reminds us of: Anarbor and Far Less
Listen to: while staring at a clock. It makes you want to get the hell away from it as fast as you can.
Glitter Pox rating: 83% contagious

Hope you catch it,
The Glitter Pox

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