Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jun Miyake - The Here and After

(track #2)

Favorite lyrics: night has thrown its heels at our door and stormed its way in, bidden / our feet in drunken incantations

Jun Miyake is a composer/musician who has collaborated with many other great musicians, and what's produced from his work with vocalist Lisa Papineau and the Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra, in The Here and After, is something soft and tribal, a perfect fit for the dance movie, Pina, it was featured in. The vocals exercise an eerie but moving feeling, echoing a beauty and closeness to nature or spirit or something other than purely human, a kind of ethereal lightness. There are multiple instruments, from wind to brass, that jumble together into a masterpiece of a symphony to back up her voice, which makes it echo even louder. This song whispers to you in a way that makes you want to move in expression, but in the gentle whole-bodied flow that only dancers seem to achieve.

Glitter Pox rating: 90% contagious

Hope you catch it,
The Glitter Pox

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