Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Elizaveta - Meant

Favorite lyrics: If silence can kill, I know it can heal.

There's a Florence and Pierces combination in Elizaveta's voice that makes a sultry, bittersweet song out of Meant. Elizaveta actually studied opera; her music style doesn't suggest it strongly, but you can hear a hint of soft power in her vocals that's fitting, as if her musical studies were only unconsciously included. That makes it both theatrical and modern, like something you could listen to either on a movie score or through your car speakers. Each of her songs has a different contradiction, between soft vocals and loud bass or high notes and hand claps, her album Beatrix Runs is a varied mix of both bold singing and hurried whispers.

GP rating: 71% contagious

If you want to listen to the whole album, you can find it streaming on soundcloud here.

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